Health Insurance
Health Insurance
In India, the prevailing health care scenario has not been of a high order that prevails in developed nations. The kind of medical facilities that are provided by the governments falls grossly inadequate to meet the ever increasing needs felt by citizens . Hence, most often, people are dependant upon private medical facilities, which over the years, have become increasingly costly with the advancement in the field of medicine. This has thrown up the need for going for voluntary health insurance commonly named as Mediclaim Policy.
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How does it work?
These private health insurances give the person some control over the choice of provider, facility and timing of treatment. It provides a general peace of mind that their medical expenses are covered. The policy provides for reimbursement of Hospitalization / Domiciliary hospitalization expenses foe illness/ disease suffered or accidental injury sustained during the policy period. The policy pays for expenses incurred under the following heads:
- Room, Boarding Expenses in the hospital/ nursing home.
- Nursing expenses.
- Surgeon, anesthetist, medical practitioner, Consultants, Specialist fees.
- An anesthesia, blood, oxygen, OT charges, Surgical appliances, Medicines and drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cost of Pacemaker, Artificial Limbs and Cost of organs and similar expenses.
Household Insurance Policy
The most popular domestic insurance cover available in the Indian market is the Householders’ Insurance policy. To an Average Indian, home is a cherished and precious possession, not just in terms of money, but also in terms of the sentiments attached to it. Any loss or damage to the house or household goods would cause not only financial strain but also sentimental setback. Household insurance helps to mitigate, at least the financial losses, arising out of risks like fire, theft, natural disasters, breakdown of household appliances, personal liabilities.
This policy offers a package cover, a kind of an omnibus personal umbrella cover and is designed to are care of most of the property insurance requirements of a family. Risks of one’s house and belongings due to fire, lighting, earthquake, burglary, larceny, theft, electrical or mechanical breakdown of domestic appliances etc are all covered under the household insurance cover.
**The particular risks covered under each section are:
- Household contents & building (cover for fire and allied perils).
- Household contents (cover for burglary, housebreaking and theft).
- Jewelry and valuables.
- Plate glass.
- Breakdown of domestic appliances.
- TV, VCR.
- Pedal Cycle.
- Baggage.
- Personal accident.
- Third party legal liability & workmen’s compensation.
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is insurance that is intended to cover medical expenses, trip cancellation, lost luggage, flight accident and other losses incurred while traveling, either internationally or domestically.
Travel insurance can usually be arranged at the time of the booking of a trip to cover exactly the duration of that trip, or a “multi-trip” policy can cover an unlimited number of trips within a set time frame. Some policies offer lower and higher medical-expense options; the higher ones are chiefly for countries that have high medical costs, such as the United States.
Some credit card issuers offer automatic travel insurance if travel arrangements are paid for using their credit cards, but these policies are generic and particular care must be taken to take into account personal requirements. There are many travel insurance policies available in the market place, but care must be taken of what events are covered by each policy, and what exclusions, exceptions and limits apply, besides other issues.
Motor Insurance
Motor insurance in India deals with the insurance covers for the loss or damage caused to the automobile or its parts due to natural and man-made calamities. It provides accident cover for individual owners of the vehicle while driving and also for passengers and third party legal liability. There are certain general insurance companies who also offer online insurance service for the vehicle.
Motor insurance in India is a compulsory requirement for all new vehicles used whether for commercial or personal use. The insurance companies have tie-ups with leading automobile manufacturers. They offer their customers instant auto quotes. Auto premium is determined by a number of factors and the amount of premium increases with the rise in the price of the vehicle. The claims of the auto insurance in India can be accidental, theft claims or third party claims. Certain documents are required for claiming auto insurance in India, like duly signed claim form, RC copy of the vehicle, driving license copy, FIR copy, original estimate and policy copy.
Private Motor Insurance – Private Motor Insurance is the fastest growing sector in India as it is compulsory for all the new Motor. The amount of premium depends on the make and value of the Motor, state where the Motor is registered and the year of manufacture. This amount can be reduced by asking the insurer for No Claim Bonus (NCB) if no claim is made for insurance in previous year.
Two Wheeler Insurance – The Two Wheeler Insurance in India covers accidental insurance for the drivers of the vehicle. The amount of premium depends on the current showroom price multiplied by the depreciation rate fixed by the Tariff Advisory Committee at the beginning of a policy period.
Commercial Vehicle Insurance – Commercial Vehicle Insurance in India provides cover for all the vehicles which are not used for personal purposes like trucks and HMVs. The amount of premium depends on the showroom price of the vehicle at the commencement of the insurance period, make of the vehicle and the place of registration of the vehicle.